Resources for an Informed Psychological Science

In the News and Noteworthy

  1. News article on R.
  2. 80% of Data Analysis is Janitor work.

Learning Resources

General Sites for Learning R

  1. Learn R at Data Camp.
  2. Learn R at Coursera.

R Markdown Resources

  1. Coursera video on R Markdown.
  2. Here’s an interactive R Markdown tutorial that helps you learn by doing.
  3. RStudio Cheat Sheets. Checkout the R Markdown Cheat Sheet.
  4. Daring Fireball is a website by the creator of Markdown, John Gruber.
  5. Wikipedia article on Markdown.

GGPLOT Resources

  • GGPLOT Reference Sheet from
  • GGPLOT tips from IDRE at UCLA
  • Git Resources

    1. Learn Git at Atlassian.
    2. Learn Git with the Rainbow Coder.

    Data Science for the Common Good and Just Data

    These are resources for your Final Project
    1. Data World.
    2. Data.Gov.
    3. The datasets package in R.
    4. ROpenSci.
    5. Data Science for Social Good.
    6. Springboard.
    7. Data Quest.
    8. City of New York.
    9. ICPSR at Blue.
    10. Data Science Central.
    11. 538 GitHub.
    12. ProPublica Data Store.
    13. GSS Data.
    14. Kaggle

    Data Visualization

    1. Text Analysis with Twitter at Quartz.
    2. Flowing Data.
    3. 538 Workflow.
    4. Age of Insight: Telling Stories with Data.

    Informed and Opinionated


    1. Andrew Gelman’s Blog
    2. Data Colada
    3. The 20% Statistician
    4. Variance Explained
    5. The 100% CI
    6. Simply Statistics
    7. Guardian DataBlog

    Entertaining Podcasts

    1. Not So Standard Deviations
    2. Partially Derivative: Car talk for the data community.
